Saturday, 23 March 2013

Workshop Saturdays (and Wednesdays!)

So its saturday again which means 1 thing- its a workshop day! We love holding workshops, not only is it great meeting new people, its a brilliant way to teach people a wide range of skills and impart useful information. Today is a big workshop day, that is, 3 hour Soap, Bath Bombs and Salts. We offer participants a staggering range of fragrances to choose from, usually about 75 to 100, so they can make their perfect product. The first hour is usuallytaken up just sniffing all of the scents to the soundtrack of 'ooh' 'aah and 'ewwww':D

Once they have made their selections, we introduce them to the soap colours, dried flowers and botanics, and most importantly, GLITTER! Even the men go gaga for our glitter range.

The first soap we make is a traditionally moulded soap in one of our fantastic Milky Way Soap Moulds. We love MW, their moulds are out of this word (geddit? See what we did there?!) With the added bonus of durability and toughness.Believe me, we really do punish our moulds. Poor things.

Second soap we make is a mini loaf usuing a technique we call the Marble Swirl. Want to know how to do it? Come to a workshop ;) This is a technique that baffles and dismays almost everyone that tries it. They pour the soap and then regard it with a puzzled, slightly disadisappointed expression, and they convince themselves it hasn't worked. Have faith! I say...

After that, wr move on to the bath bombs. Now, this is the point we get slightly nervous at. You never really know how this will turn out. The simple fact is, Bath Bombs are unpredictable, temperamental, but utterly glorious when they work! Luckily, we know the fragrance oils that are most likely to produce the best bath bombs so we steer our participants in the right direction to avoid heartbreak.

After a clean up (as Sam says, you've not had fun if you haven't made a mess) and a tea break, we crack on with the Bath Salts. By far the easiest of the 4 assignments, these are probably the most instantly gratifying. The colours are always stunning, no matter what. Joy!

Then we move on to the packaging. I'll let you in on a secret- Sam has a serious ribbon addiction. She can't just order 1 colour, she has to have 2 or 3 and of course they arrive in packs of 5 rolls with 500 meters on each... so when she says she has miles of ribbon, take it literally.

The most common comment we get from the workshop is 'wow, look at all the stuff we made! I had no idea we would make so much!' Swiftly followed by 'I had such a good time'. Its wonderful to be able toshare our passion with the public in such a hands on way, and to bring out the child like joy of discovering something totally new and previously mystical to so many people. Once we get into the new premises we will be able to do it so much better.

Have a great weekend Cauldronites! Xx

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