Wednesday, 29 January 2014

New Year, New Site

Hi everyone! 

So, after a brief hiatus while we 'did Christmas', we're back with a quick update for you all.

Things here were *manic*, so much so that we decided to close for 2 weeks between Christmas and New Year to give all of us a chance to recover from the 9am-11pm days we were working. One thing we did notice this year was that people were leaving Wholesale ordering very late indeed! We only started turning people away mid December so we did our level best to help everyone that came to us.

Once again, Christmas Spice (or Arkle Sparkle as you may know it!) was the biggest selling fragrance which isn't a surprise as it's such a marvellous scent! Snow Queen was the surprise as it was a new scent for us, we weren't sure how it would fare but it did amazingly well so we think we will keep it on for 2014. Yes, we really do plan that far ahead!

So now we are looking forward to Easter with some gorgeous new soap cakes. Valentines Day is almost upon us and the special Love-Duck soaps are already sold out. Wowzers! Don't forget ladies, hints don't work. Just tell them you want Soapy Cauldron goodies ;)

So, the big news- our Brand New Website is now live and fully operative, only 3 months overdue! BNW is smoother, slicker and easier to use with a gorgeously clear layout. We're all in love with it, even if the backend is taking a bit of getting used to for us. We've got a few pictures to update and buckets of SEO to do but it's a great step forward for us. Why not take a look and tell us what you think?

Anyway, that's all from us for the time being, we will be back with more snippets from TSC soon :)

Sam & The Team